1. Retainer fee paid in full for retaining services.
2. Credit Counseling (short online course) – You can choose any provider you prefer; we recommend using www.CCAdvising.com . They will charge a fee of approximately $9. When registering for the class be sure to enter your email address. You will not have to pay additional fees for the certificate to be faxed or mailed, email delivery is all we require. Select the “Middle District of Florida” when promoted for which certificate you need. The Attorney code used for this course is: 3328.
3. BK Packet questionnaire – You will be receiving an email from BK Packet. Please follow the steps to complete the Questionnaire online. The Questionnaire is necessary to help make sure the documents we will be filing with the Court on your behalf are accurate.
4. Pay stubs or other evidence of earned income for the past 6 months – We will need documentation verifying all sources of income, which can include but are not limited to:
a) Pay Stubs
b) Social Security Awards Letters
c) Pension Income Received
d) Real Estate Income
e) Child Support - court order or other document establishing the amount of child support
f) Alimony - court order or other document establishing the amount of alimony received
g) Profit & Loss Statement for all businesses in which you have ownership, via month-to-month disclosures.
5. Tax Returns – the most recent 2 years of tax returns that have been filed.
6. Bank Statements – the 2 most recent monthly bank statements for all accounts.
All documents can be sent via email: Jordan@JordanMFinley.com